Finding God in the Wild

The summer is full of fun outdoors, vacations, and other adventures. While we may be out of town and unable to worship God in the sanctuary on Sunday morning, we are still able to connect with the Divine and find evidence of God’s work in our life. This sermon series will present practical ways to pay attention and notice the God who is all around us, all the time.

June 18 - Finding God in the Wild - Genesis 28:10-22 (Bulletin)

June 25 - Finding God in Others - Genesis 18:1-15 (Bulletin)

July 2 - Finding God in Rest - 1 Kings 19:1-13 (Bulletin)

July 9 - Finding God in Breath - Ezekiel 37:1-14 (Bulletin)

July 16 - Guest Preacher Rev. Pam Rossmiller (Bulletin)

July 23 - Guest Preacher Rev. Pam Rossmiller (Bulletin)

July 30 - How I Found God This Summer - Worship in the Park

You can watch the services from this sermon series on our YouTube channel under the playlist “Finding God in the Wild”


Authentic Faith


What is the Point?