Small But Mighty

The Bible contains a lot of small stories.  Books that take up just pages of a thousand page book.  Stories of individuals whose lives may have been insignificant in every way, except for one.  They allowed God to do incredible things and write amazing stories with their lives.  Join us as we study these Small But Mighty books that teach us lessons for life with God, and offer an outline for how God can transform our lives in powerful ways.

January 7 - Philemon (Bulletin)

January 14 - Titus (Bulletin)

January 21 - Jude (Bulletin)

January 28 - James (Bulletin)

A vibrant and authentic faith is not grown merely in one hour on Sunday morning. Our series devotionals give you the opportunity to engage with God’s word on a regular basis as you seek to become more like Christ each day. There is a daily Bible reading plan, as well as reflection questions that are linked with each week of the sermon series. You can use this devotional individually or in a formal or informal small group.

You can watch the services from this sermon series on our YouTube channel under the playlist “Small But Mighty.”


Questions Jesus Asked

