Unsung Heroes

We live in a culture that fawns over the celebrity, that celebrates the star, that focuses on the CEO. This also extends to our reading of Scripture, we all too often focus on the big names. Yet, there are a whole host of people who do important things behind the scenes that don’t get the notoriety or credit they deserve. In this series we’ll lift up some of those “Unsung Heroes” and discover how we can be like them too.

Sepember 18 - Ananias - Acts 9:1-19

September 25 - Barnabas - Acts 9:26-28, Acts 11:19-30

October 2 - Lydia - Acts 16:6-15

October 9 - Lois & Eunice - 1 Timothy 1:1-14

October 16 - The Body - 1 Corinthians 12:12-31




Everything I Ever Needed to Know I Learned in Sunday School