Learning to Pray

If you read about the life of Jesus you’ll eventually notice that he is always praying.  He seems to always be “withdrawing to a deserted place to pray” or “going up the mountains to pray” or “spending the whole night alone with God in prayer.”  And maybe a while after noticing this you’ll start to wonder… what is He doing? Why is He doing it?  How does He do it?  Am I supposed to do that too?  Why?  How?  In this new sermon series we’ll be looking to the prayer life of Jesus, and the prayer that Jesus taught us, in order to learn how to strengthen our own prayer lives.

August 8 - Teach Us to Pray (Bulletin)

August 11 - Our Father in Heaven (Bulletin)

August 18 - On Earth as in Heaven (Bulletin)

August 25 - Give Us this Day (Bulletin)

September 1 - Forgive Us As We Forgive (Bulletin)

September 8 - Lead Us, Deliver Us (Bulletin)

September 15 - Thine is the Kingdom, Power, Glory (Bulletin)

September 22 - Amen (Bulletin)

A vibrant and authentic faith is not grown merely in one hour on Sunday morning. Our series devotionals give you the opportunity to engage with God’s word on a regular basis as you seek to become more like Christ each day. There is a daily Bible reading plan, as well as reflection questions that are linked with each week of the sermon series. You can use this devotional individually or in a formal or informal small group.

You can watch the services from this sermon series on our YouTube channel under the playlist “Learning to Pray”


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Faces of our Faith